Reality is an Illusion


Reality is an illusion

Belief are thoughts that have been reinforced by an idea form self or others. What is the story of reality that we tell ourselves over and over again, is that truth? A higher consciousness that is the Self with truth obtained in surrendering to the flow of the universal energy.

A morning practice

Developing mindfulness through a daily ritual of awareness Read More "A morning practice"


Digest Aid Blend A blend that supports healthy digestion, soothes the upset stomach, and reduces bloating, gas and other gastric issues. Rub onto stomach before... Read More "Indigestion?"

Four Agreements

Toltec wisdom as doled out by Don Miguel Ruiz is an amazing read with a lot of information about living better by taking simple steps... Read More "Four Agreements"


The center for creativity is living life to it's fullest and enjoying intimate relationships. Stimulating imagination and creativity, release this flow of energy to produce... Read More "Svadhisthana"


Ilusn takes a serious look at how we assemble our reality through our thoughts and beliefs. Belief does not equal truth. Constructs of society are not always healthy for those within said society and usually contrary to the health of Gaia.