

The center for creativity is living life to it’s fullest and enjoying intimate relationships. Stimulating imagination and creativity, release this flow of energy to produce new ideas, thoughts, emotions, art, ideals, and bringing the Universe into mediums on this physical plane. Meditating on emotions with no attachments can allow the exploration of the emotions without responding to triggers that can happen subconsciously. Water is the element for the sacral cakra and is part of how the energy flows. Dipping your toes in water or walking in the surf or stream can help to connect to the energy of the sacral. Mantras for sacral can be “I feel” “I am balanced” “I am healthy” “I am creative” “I am a sexual being and embrace my sexuality”


The sacral cakra (Svadhisthana) is our creative center. As humans, it is part of our nature to create. This creativity can be expressed as procreation but the second chakra energy is also about creating form from materials. When we cook, bake, or garden, we are creating. Our creative process is also finding a new solution to an old problem. Taking raw materials, physical or mental, and transforming them into something new, we are using our creative energy.

One problem with creativity is being discouraged from creative efforts, starting with school. As we pass through a time where coloring, painting, or cutting paper is completely acceptable, situations occur that hinder our creativeness. Conforming, following the rules to fit in, sometimes weakens our creative energy and thus, our unique ideas become muted. Growing up we accept following what’s right, the latest trend, or what’s acceptable to others. Barriers can hinder creating something new, perhaps feeling like a failure, reinforcing the barriers to creativity. We stop being creative or stop taking creative risks, since someone told us that we weren’t good or that we couldn’t do it. In opening your second chakra energy, you must take risks and not be afraid of failure. Just do, the first attempts may not be exactly what we hoped for, but exercise your creative muscle through repetition.

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