A morning practice
A morning practice

A morning practice

Take a little time all to yourself, to replenish and recharge. Connect with your heart, mind, body, and spirit to become grounded and fully aligned with your chakras. As your practice develops a solid foundation, you are ready to tackle anything in the moment. With all the sensory overload and anxious activity surrounding us, importantance lies within each of us to reach mindfulness often. We can find our own internal quietness and strength, an awareness to stay centered, secure and empowered.

A peaceful space for mindfulness…

Mindfulness can be achieved by trying a couple of things. While you are eating your breakfast or drinking your coffee focus your awareness on the act of eating or drinking. Notice everything about the experience, how the item tastes, what effect does it have upon your mouth, what effect does it have upon your senses. Slow down, being conscious of what you are doing and how it makes you feel. Another way is to close your eyes being seated or in a prone position. Take a few deep breaths and be aware of your body taking in your breath. Feel your lungs filling with air or the air going out. Notice the expanding and contracting of your chest and stomach. Be conscious of the lifeforce you are bringing into your body being aware of something that normally occurs without thought. Become aware of sounds around you without focus on any particular thought, allowing yourself to just be, holding the moment.

This is something that you can do at any point in the day. The more time spent on being mindful makes it easier to move into this space by moving the focus on past or future and being in this moment right now. Becoming aware of what is going on around you, noticing the beauty in the mundane. This is a lifestyle change not something to do for a short period of time, your awareness will move to being mindful the majority of the time. This is your journey, keep moving forward.

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