Shiva Lingam
Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam Medium

SHiva Lingam are a sacred stone of the Hindu religion that will intensify the vitality and level of pranic energy within your body. To improve your overall health these stones are powerful as they stimulate the energy system of the entire body and will aid in overall improvement of your health and well-being.

They are collected at the banks of the Narmada river once a year. This very rare and powerful stone comes exclusively from the Narmada river in Onkar, Mandhata, one of India’s seven sacred holy sites. Typically shaped as a cylinder with rounded ends, the shiva lingam is a representation of the Hindu god Shiva, typically hand polished by locals. The stone is actually cryptocrystalline quartz but its properties extend far beyond its chemical and crystalline structure,

Considered to be a phallic representation of Shiva himself, this stone represents all creation. Often thought to be an incarnation of the cosmic egg from which the world was hatched, the Shiva Lingam represents male, female and the birth of all life. Being that it represents life and creation it shouldn’t be much of surprise that the lingam can help to charge the entire cakra system. Many stones commune with one cakra or another. The lingam may help to boost the communication and pathways between all of the cakras and increase the power of spirit. In addition to boosting the cakras the lingam can help activate kundalini energies, boost vitality, and enhance inner transformation. This is a high energy stone that holds heat or coolness for extended times, just as it holds energy that can be directed by practitioners or during meditation, All energy workers should own one of these stones and they are available now.

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